Tropic of Cancer Mortality and Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But I can't sleep. It's like going to sleep in a morgue. The mattress is saturated with embalming fluid. It's a morgue for lice, bedbugs, cockroaches, tapeworms. (6.10)

You know it has to be bad when even Henry can't handle it.

Quote #8

It's like I'm two people, and one of them is watching me all the time. I get so god-damned mad at myself that I could kill myself [...] and in a way, that's what I do every time I have an orgasm. For one second like I obliterate myself. (8.90)

That Van Norden is one dark character, huh? But what he says here clearly shows the equation between sex and death that Miller constantly alludes to.

Quote #9

"The poor bastard," he says, "he's better off dead than alive. He just got false teeth the other day too" (8.104)

It's hard to tell if they are really being sympathetic, but Peckover is a sad case—so mistreated at work and so wretched an individual that he is probably better off dead.