Tropic of Cancer Suffering and Disease Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Even before the music begins there is that bored look on people's faces. A polite form of self-torture, the concert. (6.16)

Except for maybe you super-cultured Shmoopers out there, we can all relate to this one. Henry likes art, but going to a classical music concert is some form of punishment. It's one of those things that's good for you, yeah, but it feels like work. (Shmoop advice: give it a shot.)

Quote #8

"No, the best thing to do would be to marry her and then get a disease right away. Only not syphilis. Cholera, let's say, or yellow fever." (8.67)

Henry Miller's advice hour: marry a rich lady and then get sick so you don't have to have sex with her. Man, this guy is great at hatching plans to get his friends out of relationships. Dear Abby, watch out.

Quote #9

Despite the fact that his legs were broken and his ribs busted, he had managed to rise to all fours and grope about for his false teeth (8.105)

Poor Peckover the proofreader. The guy falls down an elevator shaft and, in a last bid for dignity, searches for his teeth. Well, at least Henry gets his job at the newspaper. And as you can imagine, that's all our narrator really cares about.