The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

He walked to the far corner of his cabin and picked up what looked like a bundle of clothing. He dumped it at my feet. I saw by the light of my lantern that it was the garments I had set aside weeks ago – a lifetime ago, it seemed - for my disembarkation. White dress. Stockings. Shoes. Gloves. Bonnet. All in perfect order. (21.45)

The captain seems to believe, as Charlotte once did, that the first step in making someone into a proper young lady is to get her into some nice clean clothes. Charlotte may have been down with that kind of thing when the journey first started, but now these garments symbolize something else entirely. How have Charlotte's dress and gloves become a symbol of restraint, silence, and even imprisonment?