The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Desperate, I wrapped my legs and one arm about the ropes. With one free arm I pulled my hair around, grasped it with the hand entwined in the ropes, and pulled it taut. I took the knife and hacked. With a shake of my head my thirteen year's growth of hair fell away. Feeling much lighter, I bit down onto the blade again and once more began to climb. (15.25)

Up in the rigging, Charlotte decides to give herself a little haircut. By doing so, she's choosing to value utility over appearance and display. (Long hair only makes her job more difficult. So why should she keep it?) But how has her hair been important to her in the past? How does the signification of her hair change over time?

Quote #11

Look at the way you acted! The way you've dressed! It doesn't matter that you are different, Miss Doyle. Don't flatter yourself. The difficulty is that your difference encourages them to question their places. And mine. The order of things. (21.22)

Captain Jaggery suggests that Charlotte's personal transformation might lead others to also question their places too. And his place. And the places of ALL things! Pretty crazy, right? Do you think our own personal choices can really cause larger social transformations like that? Is change contagious?