Mortality Quotes in True Grit

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He said, "Well, Rooster, I am shot to pieces!"


The ball flew to its mark like a martin to his gourd and Lucky Ned Pepper fell dead in the saddle. (7.235-37)

Ding dong, the … well, okay, we're not exactly happy to see him die. But we are happy to see that he's not going to be preying on the community's young men anymore.

Quote #8

He had been in failing health for some months, suffering from a disorder he called "night hoss," and the heat of the early summer had been too much for him. Younger reckoned his age at sixty-eight years. (7.331)

Live by the sword, die by the sword … unless you're Rooster, that is. We thought he would go down in a hail of bullets and a blaze of glory, but instead he just dies of "night hoss." But we have to ask—is it better for him to have outlived all his friends and end up in a traveling Wild West show, or would he have rather died in the line of duty?