This is an independent site dedicated to the memory of T.S. Eliot. It contains links to his work, a timeline of his life, and references to other Eliot resources on the web. It's a great place to start your research.

This site contains Eliot's biography, along with links to works by and about him. Swedish Academy Permanent Secretary Anders Osterling's presentation speech lays out a clear argument for Eliot's significance to modern poetry. Eliot's acceptance speech is also archived here.

The university has organized an online index of twenty Eliot poems, with links to the full texts and to Eliot's biography. The lines of the archived poems are numbered, a helpful tool not usually found on the Internet.

The American Academy of Poets has fantastic web resources for students and poetry lovers alike. Eliot's entry includes links to his poems and prose (including audio clips of Eliot reading Eliot, and the cool TextFlows version of "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"), as well as critical essays about Eliot.

What does the T.S. stand for? How does The Waste Land end? The Guardian newspaper has created this online quiz about the poet. No peeking at Shmoop for your answers!

In 1922 Eliot founded the literary journal Criterion. In its seventeen years of existence, the journal became an influential (if somewhat pretentious) outlet for modernist voices like Virginia Woolf, Ezra Pound, and E.M. Forster. (It published Eliot's The Waste Land in its first issue.) In 1982, art critics Hilton Kramer and Roger Kimball founded The New Criterion, a modern-day forum for arts and culture.

From the All-Time Hall of Fame of "People With Too Much Time on Their Hands," we bring you The Waste Land, written in the style of the LOL Cats. We're not kidding.