Tuesdays With Morrie Chapter 16 Quotes
Tuesdays With Morrie Chapter 16 Quotes
How we cite the quotes:
Quote 1
They also missed compassion—something the staff ran out of quickly. And many of these patients were well-off, from rich families, so their wealth did not buy them happiness or contentment. It was a lesson he never forgot. (16.9)
Morrie understands that money can't buy happiness when he realizes that many of the patients at the mental hospital he works at come from wealthy families, yet are completely unhappy and feel like they have nothing.
Quote 2
As my visits with Morrie go on, I begin to read about death, how different cultures view the final passage. There is a tribe in the North American Arctic, for example, who believes that all things on earth have a soul that exists in a miniature form of the body that holds it—so that a deer has a tiny dear inside it, and a man has a tiny man inside him. When the large being dies, that tiny being lives on. (16.23)
Mitch is doing his own research about spiritual things. He finds this obscure tribal belief that says that the soul is a mini version of the creature it lives inside. He seems more fascinated by the idea of it than thinking that it's true.
Quote 3
At Brandeis, he taught classes about social psychology, mental illness and health, group process. They were light on what you'd now call "career skills" and heavy on "personal development." (16.19)
Morrie has always been a teacher of life. Rather than education being a hobby, or even a career path, learning and living are wrapped up together for him; he's earned his degree and helped others earn theirs through the study of human behavior.