Tuesdays With Morrie Chapter 8 Quotes
Tuesdays With Morrie Chapter 8 Quotes
How we cite the quotes:
Quote 1
"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give our love, and to let it come in." (8.38)
Here Morrie gives us his secret to success, the principle that orders all the others: We have to love. If we love, we're able to put the right priorities on everything else in life, mainly putting others before ourselves. If you learn to be comfortable with sharing your heart and allowing others to share theirs, you just can't go wrong.
Quote 2
Some of us are agitated. When is he going to say something? We squirm, we check our watches. A few students look out the window, trying to be above it all. This goes a good fifteen minutes, before Morrie finally breaks in with a whisper.
"What's happening here?" he asks. (8.44-45)
In case you haven't noticed, Morrie is a very hands-on type of guy when it comes to learning. He gets his students to think by shaking them up a bit, giving an example before he even starts to lecture. He applies his lesson to real life, which is something his students don't expect from a teacher.
Quote 3
"But it's hard to explain, Mitch. Now that I'm suffering, I feel closer to people who suffer than I ever did before. The other night, on TV, I saw people in Bosnia running across the street, getting fired upon, killed, innocent victims… and I just started to cry. I feel their anguish as if it were my own." (8.22)
Morrie's heart is so filled with compassion that he is moved by things that he sees on the nightly news—things that happen to people somewhere else in the world. He's not saying that he understands exactly what they're going through, but he says that since he knows what suffering is firsthand, his heart goes out to them.