Decisions, decisions. Morrie's big mantra in Tuesdays with Morrie is that life is about choices. The world is full of people who make good choices and bad ones, and these choices make the world, well, a good or a bad place.
Morrie has to make a huge choice when he gets sick: to sit around and feel sorry for himself, or get going and make as much of a difference as he can. It's an act of will, and he has to change the way he looks at things. Our friend Mitch, on the other hand, isn't so great at making decisions—at least not right off the bat. He spends years hitting dead ends. What both men realize is this, though: Life is enhanced by the fact that we can make choices. This is part of what makes being alive meaningful.
Questions About Choices
- Morrie really emphasizes how important it is to make constant choices in life. What do you think is the opposite of making choices that makes life worse rather than better?
- Choice could be labeled as one of the main things that make us human—that make us different from other living things. Why?
- What types of choices does Mitch make? What are some of his good choices? What are some of his bad choices?