Fear Quotes in Twilight

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #4

I was being herded. (8.47)

Walking through the streets of Port Angeles, Bella is cornered by four men. She's alone and beginning to feel afraid.

Quote #5

[Edward to Bella:] "I'm not always the most dangerous thing out there. Let's leave it at that." (9.197)

What is it that Edward thinks is so dangerous? Is this foreshadowing the situation with James? Do we ever find out what might be out there in the woods?

Quote #6

[Edward to Bella:] "If that were it, I would take you tonight," he said, his voice cutting. "You need a healthy dose of fear. Nothing could be more beneficial to you." (10.242)

Edward tries to warn Bella about himself. He thinks she doesn't have a strong enough self-preservation instinct.