How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
The plane had saved him and all but one of his crew. He would think of it as a dear friend. (2.10.25)
Super Man really lives up to its name. It's like the weird kid who suddenly becomes a hero at the end of the story (*cough*Neville Longbottom*cough*) surprising everyone.
Quote #5
Garrett had spend much of his time mulling over [Louie's] name on the wall, perhaps thinking that if this man had survived, so might he. (4.20.35)
This is an instance of admiration saving lives. Fred Garrett is kept in a cell that Louie was once kept in, and Louie's true story of survival gives Garrett the strength to push through what may be the most difficult time of his life.
Quote #6
From the moment that Watanabe locked eyes with Louie Zamperini, and officer, a famous Olympian, and a man for whom defiance was second nature, no man obsessed [Watanabe] more. (4.23.36)
Watanabe (a.k.a. the Bird) experiences the dark side of admiration for Louie. Because he envies Louie's strength and determination, Watanabe is determined to destroy it.