How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Back On Hawaii, [Louie] sunk into a cold torpor. He was irritable and withdrawn. Phil, too, was off-kilter, drinking a few too many, seeming not himself. (2.10.29)
As the war progresses, the drinking gets worse, and it's only understandable that Phil would lose himself in the bottle after having a near-death experience in the Super Man.
Quote #5
Just before he left, Louie scribbled a note and left it on his footlocker, in which he kept his liquor-filled condiment jars. If we're not back in a week, it read, help yourself to the booze. (2.11.5)
The booze might just be Louie's most valuable possession. It's no surprise then that when Louie does go missing, so does the booze he left behind shortly thereafter.
Quote #6
A conga line of crazy drunk POWs wrapped around the camp and through the barracks, and one partier did a striptease, flinging off his clothes to reveal an emphatically unattractive body. (4.32.5)
This is what happens when you drink too much: you end up in a conga line of emaciated POWs. If that isn't reason enough to quit, we don't know what is.