Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Unbroken? Put your knowledge to
the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who is the trusty pilot of both the Super Man and the Green Hornet?
Q. Who unfortunately does not survive being adrift at sea with Louie and Phil?
Francis McNamara
Fred Garrett
Hugh Cuppernell
Jack Dawson
Q. Which man dies during the air fight aboard the Super Man?
Ray Lambert
Harry Brooks
George Moznette
Lex Luthor
Q. Which one-legged POW is inspired by Louie's story of survival?
Fred Garrett
Hugh Cuppernell
George Moznette
Heather Mills
Q. Which marine POW is almost beaten to death in Ofuna?
William Harris
Frank Tinker
Joe Deasy
Captain America