How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Search planes appear to have been more likely to go down themselves than find the men they were looking for. (2.8.32)
Maybe getting captured by the Japanese was the best thing that could have happened to Louie and Phil. Can you imagine being rescued only to die in a plane crash? Good grief.
Quote #8
Dignity is as essential to human life as water, food, and oxygen. (4.18.24)
The spoils of war can often include wealth, land, oil, and other resources. However, people rarely gain any dignity during war. Instead, they often lose it. Ugh.
Quote #9
Japanese policy held that camp commanders could not, under any circumstances, allow Allied forces to recapture POWs. […] POWs were to be executed. (4.19.44)
The Japanese do not play fair. Their tactics are severe and brutal, and unfortunately, we bet most of the guards would participate in the mass execution if they were ordered to.