Unforgiven Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Unforgiven.

Quote #7

WILL: I ain't like that no more, Ned. I ain't no crazy killing fool.

The film's final scene will prove otherwise. Will really is kind of crazy by the end: he enters a saloon where he is grossly outnumbered, and still manages to come out alive. He isn't a "killing fool," that's for sure, but we soon learn he's just as capable of killing pretty ruthlessly to get his revenge.

Quote #8

THE KID: You want it, keep it. I'm never gonna use it again…I won't kill nobody no more. I ain't like you, Will…Go on, keep it. All of it. It's yours…

Just like Ned, the Kid clearly wants to transform himself—from a smack-talking aspiring killer into somebody who doesn't even own a gun. He definitely isn't like Will, and that's why he disappears from the film shortly after this. He doesn't belong in Will's universe anymore.