Unforgiven Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Unforgiven.

Quote #4

LITTLE BILL: I guess you think I'm kicking you, Bob. It ain't so. What I'm doing is talking to you…talking to all them villains down there in Kansas, talking to all them villains in Missouri, and all those villains down in Cheyenne. I'm telling them there ain't no whores' gold. Even if there was…they wouldn't want to come looking for it anyhow.

Little Bill resorts to violence in order to prevent violence. That's his logic here. Violence is his way of talking, of communicating to would-be bounty hunters that "there ain't no whores' gold" in Big Whiskey. The irony here, of course, is that Little Bill himself is a huge "villain."

Quote #5

LITTLE BILL: That's why there's so few dangerous men around like Old Bob, like me. It ain't so easy to shoot a man, anyhow, you know, especially if the son of a b**** is shooting back at you.

Bill hits the nail on the head. Yes, it's hard to shoot when you're being shot at, but the real truth here is "it ain't so easy to shoot a man." Killing isn't as easy as lots of movies make it seem, and Unforgiven explores just how ethically difficult murder is.

Quote #6

LITTLE BILL: Well I ain't gonna hurt no woman, but I am gonna hurt you. Not gentle like before, but bad.

Bill seems legitimately excited about the prospect of hurting Ned "bad." This is one of several clues that Bill might be some of psychotic masochist, a lover of violence.