Utopia Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Page) based on the 1989 Cambridge University Press edition

Quote #7

[The Utopians] do not understand why a dunderhead with no more brains than a post, and who is about as lewd as he is foolish, should command a great many wise and good people, simply because he happens to have a big pile of gold (2.65)

Moral of the story: rich people are dunderheads. Oh wait, no. Actual moral of the story: wealth shouldn't be the basis of power.

Quote #8

Any such laws, when properly promulgated by a good king, or ratified by a people free of force and fraud, should be observed. (2.70)

Mark your calendars! Hythloday is saying something positive about a legal system! He argues that when power comes from a legitimate source, it can actually regulate things to our benefit.

Quote #9

Not even the [Utopian] prince is distinguished from his fellow citizens by a robe or crown (2.84)

Yeah, who needs all those silly props? Power isn't actually about that... right?