The View from Saturday Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

When Mrs. Olinski decided that Ethan should be a member of her team, she did not tell Margy or, for that matter, anyone else either. (3.9)

For a book about a competition designed to test how much you know, there sure is a lot of secret-keeping.

Quote #5

A lightened ring in the leather around the first four syllables where someone had made several attempts to erase the writing looked like a halo. ("Ethan Explains the B and B Inn".74)

Julian tried to "erase" what happened and couldn't. But he doesn't show up at school the next day with new bag. Instead, he changed what he couldn't erase.

Quote #6

"I've never heard of someone giving someone a pet for a present without permission and then choosing that pet's name without even asking."

Nadia said, "Well, Noah, now you have. In a single afternoon you have heard of both." ("Ethan Explains the B and B Inn".162-3)

Noah is upset with Nadia on Julian's behalf, because Nadia has made choices for Julian that Noah thinks Julian should have made for himself. Absent in this discussion? What Julian thinks.