The View from Saturday Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Having a teacher who didn't know I had an older brother would be a welcome change.

There is nothing wrong with Lucas, and that is what is wrong with him. He is a genius, a star athlete, and is always doing something wonderful and/or record setting. ("Ethan Explains the B and B Inn".7-8)

Ethan may be new to the Academic Bowl, but he's not new to competition. In fact, he's been competing all his life. Unfortunately, it's with own his brother—and for all we know, it's one-sided. Luke doesn't seem too concerned about Ethan.

Quote #5

Nadia ignored Noah. She said to Ethan, "If I do have Ginger try out, she will get the part. Ginger is a genius." ("Julian Narrates When Ginger Played Annie's Sandy".10)

There's never any question in Nadia's mind: Ginger is absolutely always going to be the best dog for the job, and so there's no competition. Nadia can't think of a world where Ginger doesn't win.

Quote #6

"Ginger is having a day off. It was Mrs. Reynolds's idea. Mike Froelich has been so good about coming to rehearsals, and Arnold has become so well trained that Mrs. Reynolds decided to let him play Sandy at this performance."

"Oh," I said, "when did you find out?"

"Just this morning. Do not worry. Arnold is only a substitute. Ginger will appear at all of the evening performances." ("Julian Narrates When Ginger Played Annie's Sandy".103-105)

Nadia is nice enough to let the understudy dog, Arnold, have a chance to perform too. It's not her idea, but she certainly doesn't make a fuss about it. It's a two-for-one that, by being kind, Nadia actually saves Ginger from getting sick.