The View from Saturday Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Of course, I have heard that expression, but fact: Mrs. Olinski cannot stand on her own two feet and further fact: she obviously…" Noah's voice trailed off as he understood. "I get it," he said. "I get it. It is scary trying to stand on your own two feet especially when you don't have a leg to stand on, so to speak." (4.27)

Courage isn't just something that you have or you don't have. Sometimes, it's something that other people can help you with.

Quote #8

Mrs. Olinski did not take kindly to these remarks. Her voice quavering, she answered her critics. "I have my reasons," she said, even though she knew she didn't. Something stronger than reason was having its way with her, and she didn't know what that was either. (5.1)

At this point, Mrs. Olinski still doesn't have the courage of her own convictions. She knows that she's right, but she can't quite muster up the guts to convince other people.

Quote #9

"Well then," Mrs. Olinski replied, "much as I respect your coach, I recommend that you start buying rope." She shifted her head slightly and added, "By the way, Mr. LeDue, in our grunge neighborhood, we say hanged, not hung. Check it out." (7.17)

The Souls' victories have given Mrs. Olinski so much courage that she not only stands up (so to speak) to Mr. LeDue—she even corrects his grammar.