The View from Saturday Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"We can allow posh, but we do not find a reference for tip."

Julian said, "With all due respect, sir, I think you ought to check another source." (6.4-5)

Julian may be more polite than any sixth grader we've ever met, but he's also confident. He doesn't let respect for other people change his mind about whether he's right or something.

Quote #8

They beat grade seven, almost doubled their score. Fact: No sixth grade team had ever defeated a seventh grade team. They were scheduled to go up against grade eight. Further fact: No sixth grade had ever competed against the eighth because no sixth grade had ever gotten that far. (6.9)

The Souls are in new territory almost as soon as they start playing. Their victories are so surprising that the whole region ends up supporting them. (Does this sound a lot like Noah talking? Surprise: It's not. Check out the "Narrator Point of View" section to keep thinking about this quote.)

Quote #9

The week before the regionals, Mrs. Olinski arranged with Mrs. Laurencin to have the school opened on Saturday afternoon so they could have an extra drill. Her team had always been willing—even eager—to practice, so she was surprised and disappointed when they refused.

[…] "What happens on Saturday that is more important than an extra practice session?" she asked.

Noah answered, "We have tea. On Saturdays we all have tea." (8.3, 5-6)

Oh, and sure, they also practice. But Academic Bowl practice is secondary to tea-drinking—because it's the tea drinking that made them into a championship-winning team in the first place.