The View from Saturday Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Nadia said, "Noah, is there any subject in this whole world that you do not know more about than every other being on this planet?" ("Julian Narrates When Ginger Played Annie's Sandy".14)

Nadia's question implies that Noah is know-it-all. And, yeah, he probably does know more about facts than anyone else—but all four of The Souls have some sort of special knowledge.

Quote #8

"Part of the theater experience is learning to be a good audience. You have not been a good audience. You have been a very bad one. I am sorry that you have not learned at home how to act in public. I am ashamed for you because I know you are not ashamed for yourselves." ("Julian Narrates When Ginger Played Annie's Sandy".127)

Kids these days, amirite? Mrs. Olinski isn't the only one who doesn't think much of modern youth.

Quote #9

"The front of this classroom is privileged territory. There are only two reasons for you to be here. One, you are teaching something to the rest of the class or, two, you have been invited. From now on, the only tricks that I am willing to put up with are those that you can first explain and then teach." (6.24)

This is part of the smackdown Mrs. Olinski gives Hamilton and another kid (Jared Lord).