War Horse Chapter 18 Quotes

War Horse Chapter 18 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

"I remember you saying that our job in the veterinary corps was to work night and day, twenty-six hours a day if need be to save and help every horse we could, that every horse was valuable in himself and valuable to the war effort." (18.14)

At the end of the book, the humans return the duty-favor to Joey. He gave them unwavering devotion during the war, and now they do the same for him, keeping watch over him twenty-four hours a day.

Quote 2

I felt a sudden looseness in my throat and neck, so much so that I could call out, albeit softly, for the first time. (18.25)

Here, Joey is saying "I'm feeling better!" This call is one Albert does understand, but only because Joey had been silent for weeks. At that point, any noise is good noise.

Quote 3

I think perhaps they cared for both of us as if we were their brothers. (18.24)

Even though Albert's parents never quite got it, the other soldiers see how strong the bond is between him and Joey. Maybe it's because they've formed similar bonds themselves, while Albert's parents always looked at horses as farm animals.