Watership Down Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"He made rabbits bigger than they've ever been—braver, more skillful, more cunning. I know we paid for it. Some gave their lives. It was worth it, to feel we were Efrafans. For the first time ever, rabbits didn't go scurrying away. The elil feared us. And that was on account of Woundwort—him and no one but him. We weren't good enough for the General." (50.14)

This is after Woundwort is long gone, but listen to Groundsel talk about how great and different he was. Woundwort wasn't afraid of everything, like other rabbits; instead, everything was afraid of him and his army. That might be a pretty good feeling and might explain why other rabbits followed him. (Of course, it doesn't end well for them, so maybe being fearless isn't so great if you end up dead.)