The Wave Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

He had read that power was seductive, and now he had experienced it. […] The members of The Wave were not the only ones who had to learn the lesson power taught. Their teacher did as well. (15.79)

The novel celebrates Ben's fresh and creative approach to teaching, but it also reminds teachers that experimental lesson plans need to be carefully thought through. Hopefully, after this experience, Ben can find ways to interest students in history without, you know, making the biggest mess ever.

Quote #11

"[…] I've already decided this is one lesson I'll skip in next year's course." (17.54)

Good idea, don't you think? What are some better ways Ben might be able to teach this part of history in the future? As a teacher, he has a lot of power to make things better or worse for his students. What can he do to avoid abusing this power in the future?