The Wealth of Nations Resources


Adam Smith: The Father of Economics

Check out this link to visit a think tank that's devoted to continuing the legacy of Adam Smith's thinking. It'll give you a decent sense of just how influential this guy continues to be in today's world.

Adam Smith International

This business has named itself after Adam Smith to show its commitment to applying free-market solutions to real-world problems.

Adam Smith Conferences

As you can probably tell by now, any organization that mentions Adam Smith will usually be business-focused in some way. These folks organize conferences all over the world so people can get together and talk about how Adam Smith's ideas can continue to improve the world.

Articles and Interviews

Adam Smith: The Father of Economics

This article (and brief video) walks you through Adam Smith's life and explains how his ideas basically created the study of modern economics that is taught in high schools and universities all over the world today.

Bringing Dead Economists Back to Life: Adam Smith on the Financial Crisis

Anyone remember the U.S. financial crisis of 2008? Well you should because it's still influencing the world today. And this article talks all about how Adam Smith's ideas might apply to the situation.

Smith's Word

This article looks at some of the places where people are most likely to misquote Adam Smith and confuse his ideas. Be sure to check this out if you want to call someone out on their lies about Smith.


Why Is The Wealth of Nations So Important?

We tried to answer this already in our "Why Should I Care?" section. But be sure to check out this video more a more in-depth look at all the ways Smith continues to influence the world today.

Adam Smith Vs. Karl Marx

This video creates the ultimate grudge match, pitting Adam Smith's ideas against those of his greatest critic, Karl Marx. You'll have to watch to find out how they stack up.

The Invisible Hand: 60-Second Adventures in Economics

This video will give you the fastest explanation of Adam Smith's theory that you're likely to find on the internet.


The Wealth of Nations: Book 1 (Audio)

Eyes getting tired? Well they should be, because The Wealth of Nations is one heavy book. Why not kick back and let YouTube do the reading for awhile?

The Wealth of Nations, Book 2 (Audio)

On a roll? Why stop now?

Book 3

Hurry up and gather your friends. He's about to start talking about opulence and sobriety.


What a Hunk

Who can disagree with a face like that?

Sketch in Profile

It's probably not a coincidence, but this economist sure looks like he belongs on a ten-dollar bill.