When You Reach Me Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Sal played basketball more and more and talked to me less and less. I asked him four hundred times whether he was okay, or if he was mad at me, or what was wrong, and three hundred and ninety-nine times he answered, "Yes," "No," and "Nothing." Then, the last time I asked, he told me, while standing in our lobby and looking at his feet, that he didn't want to have lunch or walk home together for a while.

"Do you even want to be friends at all?" I asked him.

He glared at his feet and said no, he guessed he didn't for a while. (11.4-6)

After Sal gets punched by the boy in the army coat, he continues to be distant – or at least this is what Miranda thinks. He finally tells her he doesn't want to be friends. Why do you think that might be? Why does Sal start playing basketball?

Quote #5

I knew the way the girls all paired up, and Julia and Annemarie had been paired up for a long time. Julia I hated. Annemarie I had never thought about much. (11.9)

Miranda decides to befriend the girls in her grade. Why has she never done so before? Also, why does Miranda hate Julia?

Quote #6

That's when I noticed that her room was covered with pictures of Julia. Maybe not covered, exactly, but there were a lot of them – the two of them in pajamas, or in the park, or standing together all dressed up outside some theater. (12.10)

Like Miranda and Sal, Annemarie and Julia have been friends for a very long time. Like Miranda and Sal, they are also on the outs. How would you characterize Annemarie's friendship with Julia? What is the significance of the pictures on Annemarie's wall?