When You Reach Me Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"I thought you left me." Alice was standing in front of the bathroom looking all wounded.

"Me?" I said. "No way."

She smiled. People seemed to like the new me. (42.9-11)

After her simple transformation (from mean to nice), Miranda sees herself as an entirely new person. Have you ever decided to become a different kind of person?

Quote #11

Sal and I don't wait for each other these days. Not purposely. But if we happen to be leaving school at the same time, if he isn't going to a friend's, or to basketball practice, and I'm not going to Annemarie's or Julia's – or Colin's – then Sal and I walk home together. And we are better this way, together because we want to be. He understood that before I did. (54.1)

At the conclusion of the novel, Miranda is more well-rounded than when she began. Her identity is not based solely on her friendship with Sal.