When You Reach Me Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"But first you have to learn the V-cut," he told us. "Very important. Except he said "Velly important," stretched his eyelids back with two fingers, and bowed down low – it was the classic fake-Chinese act. I had never seen a grown-up do it before. If Mom had been there, she would have whacked him on the head with a plastic tray. (18.2)

Jimmy displays his prejudices early on. What are the later consequences of Jimmy's thinking?

Quote #5

On the other side of the street, Julia was walking alone, wearing her orange suede knapsack and an orange suede headband that matched. Matching suede knapsacks and headbands were probably all the rage in Switzerland, I thought.

"You mean Swiss Miss?" I grabbed two rolls and dropped them into the bag at my feet. "She's not my friend. Not even close."

He smiled slowly. "Swiss Miss. That's a good one." He stared outside for another minute and then stood up. "You're funny, you know that?" (22.9-11)

What does Miranda mean by "Swiss Miss"? What does Jimmy mean by it? Are they both being prejudiced, though in different ways?

Quote #6

"Your friend, little Swiss Miss. Don't let me find her in here again. Ever."

"Who?" Annemarie said.

"I think he means Julia," I said.

"You think Julia took the money?" Colin laughed. "Julia needs money like a fish needs a bicycle."

Jimmy shook his head. "Some things are in the blood. All the money in the world can't change a person's blood." (37.9-14)

Even though her family has plenty of money, Jimmy still sees Julia as a thief. Why? What does he say about her "blood"?