When You Reach Me Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I want you to know why I hit your friend that day—" (48.58)

Miranda finally finds out why Marcus hit Sal. What consequences does Marcus's attack have?

Quote #8

"He doesn't age, I tell you. Dick Clark simply does not age. It's amazing." I'm chanting to myself, "Magic thread, magic thread," and I'm staring at Mom so hard that my eyes are almost aching. (50.23)

Louisa remarks that Dick Clark is ageless. What revelation does this later prompt in Miranda? Who is the magic thread?

Quote #9

I am jumping up and down because at the very moment Dick Clark said the word "Go," it was like an invisible hand reached out and snatched away my veil. And for almost a minute, I understood everything. (51.5)

The image of the veil returns as Miranda gains insight into all of the events that transpired.