White Fang Themes

White Fang Themes

Man and the Natural World

More than anything, White Fang is about nature. London talks about it in the first two paragraphs, shows us what it can do to a pair of hapless mushers, then picks up one of its creatures and demon...


From the moment he's born, White Fang faces death. It waits around every corner for him and could claim him at any moment. Seriously stressful business, right? It's just as bad for everybody else w...


In White Fang, competition appears in its most old-school, biological sense. Here it means fighting over food, resources, and in many cases, the ability to go on living. When you're fighting for yo...


Life is pain, as someone smarter than us once noted, and for White Fang, it means a lot of pain. Characters suffer so they don't have to die, they suffer while competing and they suffer as a part o...


It takes guts to make things happen in life. A little puppy pushing out of his cave into the great big world needs a big sack of courage to do it right. On another level, you need some brass to ste...

Freedom and Confinement

Freedom is a tricky thing in White Fang. It means you can go where you want and do what you want, but it also means that you're on your own as far as that whole "getting food and shelter" thing goe...

Coming of Age

We usually think of coming-of-age stories as distinctly human-based—a youngster heads out into the great wide world and learns how to be a grown-up in the midst of all its troubles and strife. Lo...


In White Fang, innocence is more than the typical naïveté of childhood (or puppyhood in this case). It also indicates a total lack of experience with the world, in which White Fang always finds h...