White Teeth Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

What she didn't know, and what she realized she may never know (the very moment she saw the ghostly pastel blue lines materialize on the home test, like the face of the madonna in the zucchini of an Italian housewife), was the identity of the father. No test on earth would tell her. Same thick black hair. Same twinkling eyes. Same habit of chewing the tops of pens. Same shoe size. Same deoxyribonucleic acid. She could not know her body's decision, what choice it had made, in the race to the gamete, between the saved and the unsaved. (19.143)

Irie does not, and will not, ever know the identity of her baby's father. Magid and Millat are the two possibilities, and they have the same DNA. There's something poetic about Irie's irresoluble uncertainty juxtaposed next to the complete certainty of Marcus's FutureMouse.