White Teeth Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around White Teeth? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What happened after Irie had sex with Millat?

Athena sprang from her forehead fully formed
she went home and told Clara
Archie punched Samad
she found Magid and made him the second son for once
Q. What happened when Clara and Ryan went on their last Vespa ride together?

they crashed and Clara knocked her teeth out
they rode off into the sunset
they rode backwards all the way to Paris
Ryan dropped Clara off at church and broke up with her
Q. What happened when Millat fired a gun at the end of the novel?

he got the crowd soaking wet—it was a water gun
he shot Magid
Archie dove in front of the bullet
he killed Dr. Sick
Q. What happened after Samad sent Magid to Bangladesh?

he never saw his son again
Alsana stopped speaking directly to him
Millat found a way to follow his brother
Irie threw a party because she never liked that guy anyway
Q. What happened after Josh, Irie, and Millat got caught with marijuana at school?

they got kicked out
Josh cried for 40 days and 40 nights
Millat busted them out of detention
they all had to study math and science at the Chalfens' house