Samad Miah Iqbal Timeline and Summary


Samad Miah Iqbal Timeline and Summary

  • Samad meets Archie during WWII at age nineteen. This is the foundational moment in their friendship.
  • In 1973, Samad immigrates to England and settles in London.
  • He waits until the 1970s to be married to Alsana Begum, per an arrangement by their families.
  • Samad has two sons with Alsana: Magid and Millat.
  • In 1984, he has an affair with the boys' music teacher, Poppy Burt-Jones. As a reaction to his failings as a husband and as a Muslim, he sends Magid to Bangladesh. He hopes that he will live according to tradition and religion. He doesn't. Neither does Millat.
  • Samad spends countless hours at O'Connell's with Archie.
  • In 1992, at Marcus Chalfen's FutureMouse exhibition, Samad realizes that his friendship with Archie is built on a lie.
  • At the same moment, Millat fires a bullet in a room full of people.
  • Not a lot of victories here.