Whoso List to Hunt Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Whoso List to Hunt? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Of what does the speaker know the location?

A bear
Julius Caesar
A hind
His best friend
Q. What is hunting a metaphor for in this poem?

Chasing or pursuing a woman
Eating popcorn
Sleeping in the Tower of London
Q. To what does the speaker compare his attempt to hunt the hind?

Fishing for Great White sharks
Noli me tangere
Ice fishing
Catching the wind in a net
Q. What happens to the speaker when he follows the hind?

He starts crying
He faints
He yells
He meets Henry VIII
Q. How will others who attempt to hunt the hind spend their time?

In vain
By cracking jokes