Why Don't You Dance? Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Why Don't You Dance?? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which of the following items did the couple apparently get for free?

Record player/records
A cat
A fridge
A lamp
Q. How does the boy pay for their purchases?

Credit card
Q. The guy is asking fifty bucks for the bed. What price does the couple ultimately get it for?

Twenty-five bucks
Forty bucks
Forty-five bucks
Q. The older man is asking twenty-five dollars for the TV. What does the couple end up paying?

Fifteen dollars
Twenty-five dollars
They trade him a home-cooked meal for it.
Q. What price is the desk when the young couple asks?

Fifty big ones
The older man tells them it isn't for sale.
None of the above—the man asks the couple to name a price.