Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Why Don't You Dance?.
Alcohol Abuse Quotes
In the kitchen, he poured another drink and looked at the bedroom suite in his front yard. The mattress was stripped and the candy-striped sheets lay beside two pillows on the chiffonier. Except fo...
Love/Marriage/Sex Quotes
The mattress was stripped and the candy-striped sheets lay beside two pillows on the chiffonier. Except for that, things looked much the way they had in the bedroom—nightstand and reading lamp on...
Money Quotes
"Whatever they ask, offer ten dollars less. It's always a good idea," she said."And, besides, they must be desperate or something." (36-37)
Guilt/Shame (or lack thereof) Quotes
"I feel funny," he said. "Better see if anybody's home."She bounced on the bed."Try it first," she said. (18-20)