Guide Mentor

Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis


Are we really trying to say that the same person who antagonizes one of our main characters is also like a guide? Yup, we sure are. When Maura is posing as Isaac, she helps will believe in the possibility of love, which is no small feat for a kid who really prefers not to open himself up to people. And when he finds out that Isaac isn't real, will's able to grow and open himself up to the idea of a real flesh-and-blood boyfriend. So does Maura really hurt will? Yup. But especially as Isaac, she also kind of sets him on a good path.

Tiny Cooper

Tiny is like a guide for both Wills. Yes, he gets on their nerves, but he also helps them realize things about themselves they never knew. It's Tiny who pushes Will to like Jane, and Tiny is the one who sees only the good in will. Hey, maybe he's a nice guy after all. It isn't until both Wills can express their appreciation for Tiny that their stories can come to a happy ending. Thank you, Tiny Cooper.