Appearance Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #4

Beside the plain blue homespun and white linen which modestly clothes Aunt Rachel and Judith, Kit’s flowered silk gave her the look of some vivid tropical bird lighted by mistake on a strange shore. (5.2)

Compared to the Puritan women, Kit seems exotic and out of place. How do the people in church react to Kit’s appearance?

Quote #5

Scandalized to see Kit wearing out her finery with scrubbing and cooking, Rachel and Mercy had made her a calico dress exactly the same as Judith’s. It was coarse-woven and simply made, without so much as a single bow for trimming, but it was certainly far more suited to the menial work she had to do in it. Beyond a doubt, too, it had made for an easier relationship with her cousin. This morning Judith seemed almost friendly. (8.2)

Kit’s change in appearance – trading her fancy dresses for a calico one – has improved her relationship with the Wood family. (Mainly Judith.)

Quote #6

The girl looked about her. “’Tis a pretty room,” she said without thinking, and then wondered how that could be, when it was so plain and bare. Perhaps it was only the sunlight on boards that were scrubbed smooth and white, or perhaps it was the feeling of peace that lay across the room as tangibly as the bar of sunshine. (9.57)

While Hannah’s home might appear simple, Kit can sense peace there. Why?