Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #7

Tonight it was poetry. “These were written by a woman in Boston,” he explained. “Anne Bradstreet, wife of a governor of Massachusetts. Dr. Bulkeley feels they are worth to be compared with the finest poetry of England.” (11.72)

John Holbrook reads from Anne Bradstreet’s poems. Bradstreet was one of the first American poets.

Quote #8

“A boy has to learn his numbers, but the only proper use for them is to find your latitude with a cross-staff. Books, now that’s different. There’s nothing like a book to keep you company on a long voyage.” (12.36)

Nat, though dismissive of formal education, does love to read. Why is this important to Kit?

Quote #9

“There was one about a shipwreck on an island in the Indies.”

Kit bounced up off the grass in excitement. “You mean The Tempest?”

“I can’t remember. Have you read that one?”

“It was our favorite!” Kit hugged her knees in delight. “Grandfather was sure Shakespeare must have visited Barbados. I suspect he liked to think of himself as Prospero.” (12.38-41)

Kit and Nat find a connection over their shared interest in The Tempest. Why is this play significant?