Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #1

“I suppose it was foolish for a tanner’s son even to think about Harvard,” John told her. “It was six miles to the school, and my father never could spare me for more than a month or so out of the year. He wanted me to learn, though. He never minded how long I burned the candles at night.”

“You mean you worked all day and studied at night? Was it worth it?”

“Of course it was worth it,” he answered, surprised at her question. “I was set on college. I finished all the requirements in Latin. I know the Accidence almost by heart.” (2.14-16)

John Holbrook is a studious man, something Kit has a hard time understanding.

Quote #2

“You can read that?” he questioned, with the same amazement he had shown when she had proved she could swim. “How did you learn to read when you say you just ran wild like a savage and never did any work?”

“Do you call reading work? I don’t even remember how I learned. When it was too hot to play, Grandfather would take me into his library where it was dark and cool, and read to me out loud from his books, and later I would sit beside him and read to myself while he studied.” (2.52-53)

How are Kit and John’s views of reading and education very different?

Quote #3

What patience Mercy had! If only patience were contagious like mumps. Kit signed and turned back to the primer. Of all the dreary monotonous sermons! Grandfather would never have allowed her to learn from such a book. (9.7)

Kit has a problem with dreary book learning at times. How does this attitude get Kit into trouble later in the chapter?