Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #7

“I hate it here,” she confessed. “I don’t belong. They don’t want me. Aunt Rachel would, I know, but she has too many worries. Uncle Matthew hates me. Mercy is wonderful and Judith tries to be friendly, but I’m just a trouble to them all. Everything I do and say is wrong!” (9.71)

Kit is feeling particularly sorry for herself here. She isolated from the Wood family, but finds solace in Hannah’s company.

Quote #8

“’Tis true I did not welcome you into my house,” he said at last. “But this last week you have proved me wrong. You have not spared yourself, Katherine. Our own daughter couldn’t have done more.” (18.6)

Kit’s hard work has allowed Uncle Matthew to accept her into the family.

Quote #9

If only I could go with Nat, she realized suddenly, it wouldn’t matter where we went, to Barbados or just up and down this river. The Dolphin would be home enough. (26.17)

Kit learns that home is not one place, but who she is with – her family.