Year of Wonders Chapter 15 Quotes
Year of Wonders Chapter 15 Quotes
How we cite the quotes:
Quote 4
We had each other, wild and hard, right there upon the gritstone floor, and the pain as the rough flags grazed my flesh seemed to match the pain that was in my heart. (3.15.60)
Well, that's one way to get rid of repression. Anna has long been attracted to Mompellion, and with Elinor dead, she can no longer hold back the tide of her feelings. It ends up being a mixed bag. On the one hand, she feels incredible after having removed the yoke of sexual repression. On the other, she feels shame for betraying her recently deceased friend.
Quote 5
"I deemed that she should atone by living some part of her life with her lusts unrequited. The more I could make her love me, the more her penance might weigh in the balance to equal her sin." (3.15.81)
This is a yuge revelation. Anna has always seen Elinor and Michael as the perfect couple, so she's shocked when Michael reveals that they never ever had sex. This was his way of punishing Elinor for her prior sexual activity. In this light, the second sentence in the passage is particularly disturbing: Michael made Elinor love him in order to cause her pain. Yikes. Talk about repressed.