Year of Wonders Chapter 9 Quotes

Year of Wonders Chapter 9 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

"I was desperate, and I was deranged," she said. "I violated my own body with a fire iron." (2.9.69)

This horrible event shows just how powerful repression can be. Elinor's big sin—sleeping with the wrong person—is something that many people have done. Her shame is so strong, however, that it basically drives her temporarily insane.

Quote 5

Before sunset, no less than four families were visited so, by deaths that reached across generations, snatching children and parents with the same dread hand. (2.9.11)

No one is exempt from the horrors of the plague. The villagers were gung ho to stay in town when Mompellion first suggested the idea, but now that they're experiencing the consequences of their decision, they're left wondering whether they made the right call. Unfortunately, things will only get worse before they get better.