You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down Injustice Quotes

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Quote #10

I knew, from the backhanded way I was treated, that they were hypocrites. I mean, they knew I was black, I just didn't look black. I never got any of the attention you got, and I could have used some, because those white folks were just as strange to me as they were to you. But you thought everything was fine until the hypocrisy touched you. (Source.196)

Anastasia opens Irene's eyes for her. Back in the day, when the two were in college, Irene had thoughtlessly excluded Anastasia from her experience as a person of color because Anastasia is biracial. It's only when Irene had her own run-in with the college that she finally saw that the white establishment was only paying lip service to Black students. But Anastasia already had plenty of experience with that hypocrisy. Too bad Irene wouldn't acknowledge Anastasia's struggle at the time because of the lightness of her friend's skin.