You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Section.Paragraph) or (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Whatever had made her think she knew what love was or was not? (Trip.2.7)

Sarah Davis makes a discovery that many young people do: her dad might not have been as bad as she thought. She never realized that some of his less-attractive actions—like moving the family around constantly—might have been a sign of his love. She also understands now that his grief over the loss of his wife had been genuine and not just a show.

Quote #8

"You are my door to all the rooms," she said. "Don't ever close." (Trip.5.8)

Sarah is having a dialogue with her own thoughts while talking with her brother. She's referring to a conversation she'd had with suitemate Pam about Richard Wright's useless father, a guy she refers to as a "faulty door" in an ancient house. Sarah's father was also a "faulty door," cutting her off from her past. Happily, she realizes that her strong, kind brother can and will be the door that grounds her to the rest of her family.

Quote #9

Irene hugged her with a hug that was not an embrace of the shoulders; she hugged her whole body, feeling knee against knee, thigh against thigh, breast against breast, neck nestled against neck. She listened to their hearts beating, strong and full of blood. (Source.219)

Aww, let's hug it out. But seriously, this bear hug signals that Irene and Anastasia can see each other for what they are; they're no longer trying to see each other through a philosophy, or only through the lens of race. Basically, they're seeing each other as women and friends first, which is helping them to heal the hurts they've inflicted on each other in the past.