You Can't Take It With You Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from You Can't Take it With You.

Quote #1

TAX COLLECTOR: Our records show you have never paid an income tax.

GRANDPA: That's right


GRANDPA: I don't believe in it

[Tony giggles.]

This is perhaps the most famous scene in the film—and it involves Grandpa hoarding money. Grandpa isn't willing to pay his back taxes, because he says the government does nothing for him, or anyone. One thing the government did during the Depression, though, was pay unemployment, and invest in works programs to get people jobs.

The tax collector doesn't mention any of this though, and so you don't get to hear whether Grandpa thinks it's worth paying tax money for those programs. The truth, though, is that the rabidly anti-tax stance Grandpa takes would make more sense coming from Mr. Kirby; Grandpa is supposed to love community and democracy.

Perhaps that's why Capra undermined the scene at the end, with a throw-off line about how Grandpa doesn't really owe any money. The scene as it stands didn't quite make sense for the film version, so the filmmakers tweaked it.

Quote #2

GRANDPA VANDERHOF: Well now suppose I won't sell them my place, what're they going to do?

NEIGHBOR: That's right, you own your place.


NEIGHBOR: And they're going to need it too, won't they?

GRANDPA VANDERHOF: You bet they will, and it'll take more than money to make me sell my property. Now go on back to work, stop cluttering up the street, we'll all be arrested.

It's true that you can't take it with you, but while you're here, owning your own home can be very useful. Grandpa's (moderate) wealth is a huge boon to his friends. It's odd that later he just sells the house though he knows this will destroy the entire neighborhood. Why didn't he sell it to someone other than Mr. Kirby, if he had to sell? But perhaps Capra didn't think things through; that sometimes happens in the movies.

Quote #3

GRANDPA VANDERHOF: Maybe it'll stop you trying to be so desperate about making more money than you can ever use? You can't take it with you, Mr. Kirby. So what good is it? As near as I can see, the only thing you can take with you is the love of your friends.

That's the title and the theme, right there. Friends, not love. Write it down, live it. And, you know, if things get tough, ask your friends for money (as Grandpa does.)