Today in History
What went down and why you should care.
feb 15 Learn More USS Maine Sinks

The USS Maine was sunk under shady circumstances in Havana Harbor on this day in 1898. Basically, she just…exploded all of the sudden. What exactly happened to the battleship, which was hanging out in the harbor to keep an eye on Cuba's revolt against Spain, is still debated today. Some suspect a fire in an onboard coalbunker was the culprit. Others blame a naval mine. Still others think the tragedy was a deliberate ploy to launch the U.S. into war with Spain—which ended up happening by the end of the year. "Remember the Maine! To Hell with Spain!" became a rallying cry. It was much catchier than "Cuba should be free, like, uh, today! So, um, let's totally go to war with Spain, okay?"
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