Today in History

What went down and why you should care.

mar 15 Learn More Julius Caesar Stabbed to Death

On this day in 44 BCE, Roman dictator Julius Caesar was stabbed to death in the Senate, having ignored a soothsayer's warning that great harm was going to come to him on or before March 15th—a.k.a. the ides of March. Sooth be told, Caesar didn't just ignore the seer's advice; he mocked it. Caesar ran into the seer on his way to the senate—you know, where he'd later be stabbed to death by sixty people—and remarked that the ides of March had indeed come, as in, "It's March 15th, and nothing bad has happened to me. LOL!" The seer's reply? "Aye, Caesar, but not gone," as in "Yo, there's still plenty of time for you to be bumped off." Which is exactly what happened. And yeah, some of that might be a fictionalized account. Thanks, Billy Shakes.

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