University of Miami

About Me
¡Hola! While I'm usually against stereotypes, the ones about me are pretty true. You know, the ones that categorize me as a paradisal place filled with tropical birds, fruit, and good vibes, or that there's really is no such thing as winter here. Or maybe you've heard the one that praises me for being in such a prime location. After all, I'm next to one of the most popular beaches in the country.
The truth of the matter is…I live where you vacation. Set a date with me and we can meet up in paradise. I'll be the one wearing palm trees that perfectly line the pathways around my Lake Osceola. (Yeah, I have a lake.) You'll probably see my students sprawled out on their sun-kissed towels, sun-tanning at the intramural fields in December.
Don't be fooled, though. I'm not all beach bros and hang loose signs. I'm a pretty prestigious school, as well. I have great programs in law, medicine, and psychology…and I'm ranked in the top fifty of all colleges and universities in the nation according to U.S. News and World Report.
And I never let my rivals forget it.
If I had to choose one trait that describes me the best, I'd go with eclectic. Walk around my campus and you'll come across a range of different people from amazing places. If you don't believe me, then just ask the Princeton Review, who ranked me third in the nation for diversity. I'm pretty much the Benetton ad of the college world.
Come check me out. You won't be disappointed.
Sebastian the Ibis. Why a pristine bird? Because I'm the last one to leave before a hurricane and the first to return.
Miami, Florida. Need I say more?
Body Type
I'm strong yet slim with a student body that amounts to 16,935 undergraduate and graduate students combined. It's the perfect bod to rock at the beach. Such a moderate number of students also results in the most attentive and responsive professors you'll ever meet.
Current Living Situation
If you don't want to commute, then you'll definitely be staying in either the Stanford or Hecht towers your freshman year. A word of warning: Be ready for a…friendly rivalry. They're known as the constantly bickering lovers of my campus.
Once every year, they have a competition called Sportsfest, where they both try to outdo the other and claim bragging rights for the rest of the year.
Where you stay during your upperclassmen years is up to you. Most students stay in my Mahoney, Pearson, or Eaton residential dorms their sophomore year. Other upperclassmen prefer the apartment-style University Village option, or the not-sharing-your-toilet-area choice.
But hey, if you don't feel comfortable moving in with me, then that's fine. No pressure. There are plenty of apartment complexes and houses that students manage to split the cost on. One of the most popular places is Red Road Commons which is barely off my campus. Rest assured that whatever you want, you'll find it in Miami.
Relationship Status
I stand alone as the best college in Florida. Don't let my crazy exes, the University of Florida and FSU (who?) tell you differently.
There's no set religion here, but services are available if you're looking for them. My clubs and organizations are all-inclusive with a range of different worldviews and denominations.
I'll admit, I'm pretty liberal. My president, Donna Shalala, was the Secretary of Health and Human Services under the Clinton administration, and President Obama actually came to visit me…three times.
You should apply to me if...
you want to get a great education for the right price while working on your tan year-round.Website